

  1. Unpack the distribution at the root level of a web site.

    • This code is built under the assumption that it will serve the root of a domain, for example all of
    • Just kicking the tires? Use a web server on your local machine, and have localhost be the domain name. Your httpd.conf might look like:
      DocumentRoot "/Users/lucas/proj/clonekit/www"
      <Directory "/Users/lucas/proj/clonekit/www">
        Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
  2. Open your browser to the URL of the server you just set up.
  3. If you see CloneKit under construction, you need to enable mod_rewrite. Follow the instructions on that page.


  1. Open /virtual/config.php and reset the site name, site tagline, and administrator password.
  2. Mint a new URL using one of the template URI handlers:
    1. Copy /virtual/templates/helloworld.php to /virtual/page/
    2. Add a menu item for /helloworld by modifying $SITE_MENUS in /virtual/config.php
    3. Hit the "hello world" menu item.
  3. Make your first form:
    1. Copy /virtual/templates/form.php to /virtual/page/helloworld.php
    2. Change that code so that the form prints out the sum of user-submitted arguments.
    3. Take a tour of available functions in /virtual/lib and apply them to the form arguments, for example to verify user input.
  4. Modify the global HTML template:
    1. Open /virtual/lib/html.php and go to the html_trimmings function.
    2. Change the site footer so that you get the credit for your site instead of me.

Start for real

The page you are reading now is part of CloneKit. Before you start your app you need to clean out this crud.

  1. Delete the links you don't want in the global menu. (see $SITE_MENUS in config.php)
  2. Delete any corresponding .php files in /virtual/page
  3. Delete your tutorial files.

Minting URLs

To mint a new URL on your website like, create a PHP file with the same base name (like foo) in /virtual/page. For example, /virtual/page/foo.php would be the handler for the URL /virtual/page/foo.php would also be the handler for the URIs /foo.xml and /foo/bar -- only the first part counts; the extension and subsequent path are ignored.

If you want to use a RESTful programming style, take care to make the base name either a noun or an adjective. If you want another method for mapping incoming URIs to PHP files, edit /init.php. (Look for alias_src in that file).

Within your PHP handler file, mind the following patterns.

Reading the source

  1. Start with the /.htaccess file in the root directory of the distribution.
  2. Read init.php in the root directory.
  3. Read html_trimmings in /virtual/lib/html.php.
Directory structure is as follows:
Literal CSS files, visible to the public by default.

Literal image files, visible to the public by default.

CloneKit logos in various sizes.
Files in this hierarchy are not visible to the public by default.
PHP libraries.
URI handlers, visible to the public by default.
URI handlers, visible to the site administrator only.
Sample code for different kinds of URI handlers.


For source control, help forums, the mail list, etc, use the Clone Kit site on Sourceforge. NOTE: Sourceforge thinks Clone Kit is called Superdog because that was the original name for the project.